Countless times I saw Alice. I saw her in Amsterdam in a small bakery sitting by the window, drinking coffee, eating a blueberry muffin and writing. I admired Alice not only there but all the other times I saw her, in the same scenario only changing what she ate and what she wore. I saw her in London, Bali, Paris, Romania, Brazil, Portugal … I saw her so many times! Always looking calm and comfortable, with her hair in a messy bun. At the window observing and writing.

Several times I felt Alice. When I did not know how to write and abstractly paint my intentions, or when, at the age of seven, I complained about the limitations my teacher gave my writing. As I grew up Alice gained voice, body and my attention. When I finally met her, through a pen and paper, I hugged her. And I’ve never felt so alive as from that moment!

Today it’s me and Alice at that window, contemplating, writing and disagreeing about the calories to be consumed. Today Alice lives.




  1. Adoro… Um ser fantástico e magnífico… 5*****… A descoberta da Alice.. num país de maravilhas…

  2. Maravilhoso este texto…mtos parabéns 😊
    Que a Alice de hoje se transforme em mtas maravilhas que a vida te dará 😘